S.P Board Question Paper (March 2014)



Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Notes:(1) All questions are compulsory.
           (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks for the questions.
           (3) Figures to the left indicate question marks.
           (4) Answer to every question must be started on new page.

Q.1.(A).Select the correct answer from the possible choices given below and rewrite the statement:                                                                                                                                            (5)

(1) ‘Trading on equity’ means use of _____________ capital for    financing a firm.
    (a) equity shares (b) preference shares (c) borrowed.
(2) A ____________ is an indivisible unit of share capital.
    (a) debenture (b) share (c) bond
(3) Debenture certificate must be issued within ___________ months of allotment.
    (a) three (b) six (c) nine
(4) The ____________ recommends the final dividend.
    (a) shareholders (b) board of directors (c) promoters
(5) The market where existing securities are resold or traded is called __________ market.
    (a) commodity (b) secondary (c) primary

(B)Match the correct pairs:                                                                                                                 (5)
                        Group ‘A’
Group ‘B’
a. Fixed Capital
1. Owned Capital
b, Overdraft facility
2. Bearer document
c. Share certificate
3. Investment in fixed assets
d. Debentures
4. Current Account
e. Return on shares
5. Application Money

6. Dividend

7. Investment in current assets

8. Borrowed capital

9. Savings Account

10. Registered Document

(C)Write a word or a term or a phrase which can substitute each of the following statements:                                                                                                                                          (5)
1. Depository Receipt traded in the countries other than the U.S.A.
2. Transfer of ownership of shares as per the provisions of law.
3. Dividend declared by company at is annual general meeting.
4. Return on Investment in debentures.
5. The place where buying and selling of securities takes place.

Q2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three)                                                                                                                                                             (15)
1. Shares and Debentures
2. Transfer of shares and Transmission of shares
3. Final dividend and Interim dividend.
4. Money Market and Capital Market.
5. Primary market and Secondary Market.

Q3. Write short notes on:(Any three)                                                                                               (15)
1. Importance of financial planning
2. Retained profits.
3. Share certificate
4. Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS)
5. Methods of redemption of debentures.

Q4. State with reasons,whether the following statements are True or False:(Any three)                                                                                                                                                            (15)
1. Financial management is essential for all types of organisation.
2. Equity shareholders are real owners and controllers of the company.
3. Transfer of shares is initiated by the company.
4. A private company can accept deposits from public.
5. Handling demat shares is very time consuming.
Q5. Attempt the following: (Any two)                                                                                             (10)

1. State the legal provisions regarding declaration of dividend.
2. Draft a ‘Letter of Allotment’ to debenture holders.
3. Draft a letter of debenture holder informing him about redemption of debentures.
4. Draft a letter to depositor for renewal of his deposit.

Q6. Answer the following: (Any one)                                                                                               (10)

1. What is debenture? State the features of debentures.
2. Write a letter to a shareholder regarding issue of bonus shares. 
