O.C.M Board Question Paper (October 2015)



Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Notes:(1) All questions are compulsory.
          (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks for the questions.
          (3) Figures to the left indicate question marks.
          (4) Answer to every question must be started on new page.

Q.1.(A).Select the correct answer from the possible choices given below and rewrite the statement:                                                                                                                                             (5)

1. A sole trading concern ensures ______________ business secrecy.
    (a) minimum (b) maximum (c) limited
2. For online transaction _______________ is required.
    (a) trading (b) registration (c) business
3. Credit or Debit cards are popularly known as ____________ money.
    (a) paper (b) plastic (c) polymer
4. To make timely payment of proper taxes is the responsibility of organisation
    towards the __________.
    (a) shareholders (b) customers (c) government
5. Under the Consumer Protection Act 1986, there is a  quasi judicial consumer dispute redressal machinery for solving the complaints of the consumers.
    (a) two-tier (b) five-tier (c) three-tier


(B)Match the correct pairs:                                                                                                               (5)
                        Group ‘A’
Group ‘B’
a. Public Company
1. Father of Scientific Management
b. Henry Fayol
2. Corrective action taking.
c. Controlling
3. Commercial bank
d. Reserve Bank Of India. (R.B.I.)
4. Withdrawal after fixed period of time.
e. Fixed deposit account
5. Maximum 50 members.

6. Central Bank

7. Unlimited members

8. Father of modern management

9. Taking action against employees

10. Withdrawal before the fixed period of time.

(C)Write a word or a term or a phrase which can substitute each of the following statements.(5)

1. The type of commercial organisation established for providing services to its members.
2. Getting good quality products is the basic right of this group of society.

3. A consumer dispute redressal agency that handles claims more than & 1 (one) crore.
4. The statements which disclose fundamental truth of management.
5. A process wherein the manager instructs, guides and communicates with employees.

Q2.Distinguish between the following: (Any three)                                                                    (15)

1. Partnership Firm and Joint Stock Company.
2. Current Account and Savings Account.
3. State Commission and National Commission.
4. Planning and Controlling.
5. Cooperative Society and Joint Hindu Family Firm,

Q3.Write short notes on:(Any three)                                                                                              (15)                                                                
1. Advantages of e-business.
2. Nature of principles of management.
3. Features of co-operative society.
4. Importance of organising.
5. Principles of Insurance.

Q4.State with reasons,whether the following statements are True or False:(Any three)                                                                                                                                             (15)   

1. Maximization of profit is the main motto of co-operative society.
2. E-business allows you to work across the globe in any field.
3. Business organisation has various types of social responsibilities.
4. ‘Lok Adalat' is one of the effective ways to resolve consumer problems.
5. Principles of management are rigid.

Q5.Attempt the following: (Any two)                                                                                           (10)

1. State the responsibilities of business towards government.
2. Explain the characteristics of an entrepreneur.
3. State the importance of co-ordinating.
4. Explain the importance of consumer protection.

Q.6. Define a sole trading concern. Explain its merits and demerits.                                     (10)
        Define Bank. Explain different types of banks.
