O.C.M Board Question papers (March 2014)



Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Notes:(1) All questions are compulsory.
           (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks for the questions.
           (3) Figures to the left indicate question marks.
           (4) Answer to every question must be started on new page.

Q.1.(A).Select the correct answer from the possible choices given below and rewrite the statement:                                                                                                                              (5)

1. A sole trading concern ensures ____________ business secrecy.
   (a)Minimum (b)Maximum (c)Limited
2. An electronic facility of transferring funds through the internet is called __________ transfer.
   (a)cash(b)net banking(c)credit
3. Business organization is a part of ________________
   (a)industry (b)government (c)society
4. ________________ is the President of State Commission.
   (a)The District Court Judge (b) The Supreme Court Judge
   (c) The High Court Judge
5. According to the principle of ____________ all employees should be given fair treatment.
   (a)authority (b)discipline (c)equity

(B)Match the correct pairs:                                                                                                                  (5)

                        Group ‘A’
Group ‘B’
a. Private Company
1. Minimum 7 members
b. Overdraft
2. Saving Account
c. ATM
3. 1996
d. Consumer Protection Act
4. Electronic Business
e. Controlling
5. Current Account

6. Maximum 50 members

7. Automatic Teller Machine

8. 1986

9. Individual Taste

10. To take corrective action

(C)Write a word or a term or a phrase which can substitute each of the following statements:                                                                                                                                            (5)                         
1. The business organization which has minimum ten members.
2. The type of warehouse where early perishable goods are stored.
3. An activity motivated by profit.
4. Father of scientific management.
5. A function where right people are given right jobs.

Q2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three)                                                                      (15)                                                                                          
1. Sole trading concern and Partnership firm
2. Road transport and Rail transport
3. Private company and Public Company
4. State commission and National Commission
5. Planning and Controlling. 

Q3. Write short notes on:(Any three)                                                                                               (15)                                                                 
1. Types of partners.
2. Advantages of outsourcing.
3. Rights of consumers.
4. Importance of principles of management.
5. Importance of directing. 

Q4. State with reason, whether the following statements are True or False:(Any three)                                                                                                                                                                (15)
1. The main purpose of a cooperative organization is to earn profit.
2. Transport is useful in raising standard of living.
3. It is easy to set up e – business as compared to traditional business.
4. Management should avoid workers' participation while making decisions.
5. Coordination is needed at all the levels of management.

Q5. Attempt the following: (Any two)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (10)

1. State social responsibilities of business towards government.
2. State the importance of consumer protection.
3. State any 'five principles' of management given by Henry Fayol.
4. Sate the characteristics of an 'entrepreneur'

Q6. Define 'joint stock company'. Explain its merits and demerits.                                                                                                                                                                                    (10)                        
       Define 'insurance'. Explain the various principles of insurance. 
